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    1Basic Model Request Empty Basic Model Request Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:37 pm



    Creation Type:
    Size (In Pixels):
    Primary Colors:
    Secondary Colors:
    Images to include:
    Text to Insert :
    Font (Provide Download Link):
    Font Color:
    Link to My Forumotion Forum:
    Name on forum:
    Extra Comments:

    This is an basic Request model.

    Exclamation Note: This is the only time you can use color or bold in your posts.

    Exclamation Note: You must provide the link to your Forumotion forum. if you don't your request will be refused and locked.

    Exclamation Note: It is advised that you add the exact pixel sizes (width and height) or at least an estimate to the final products size. Most designers use pixels as a measurement for creating graphics.

    Exclamation Bumping requests is tolerated, but under strict rules.

    Bumps must be separated by at least 12 hour time spans; impulsive bumping will result in warnings.
    There are many requests to be finished so you are only allowed to have one request open at a time. Everyone deserves a fair chance to have their request completed, so please don't flood the Requests forum.
    If your request is tagged by a Graphic Designer, you aren't allowed to bump it.


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