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    1RicYiU Graphics Rules Empty RicYiU Graphics Rules Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:06 pm



    This forum is dedicated to people interested in using Photoshop, navigating is free, but once you have created an acount, automatically accepted rules stated below.

    Please do not double post, persioada this minimum is 24 hours, but in graphic request you are allowed to do this every 12 hours ( "Bumb !" )

    When you write, SMS (cell phone) style message, L3375P34K (leetspeak) and deliberate mistakes must be avoided. Non-English people, as well as English people, must be able to understand what you write, so please put a minimum of care in your English, even if your English is not very good

    Spamming is not tolerated, even by PM. If you post about a problem, give the address of your forum only if it's really necessary to understand it. Or better yet : Put your forum address in your profile, so we will just have to click on the "Forum" button to check your forum

    Your avatar is not an advertising banner, so avatars with your forum URL or links to any other sites must be avoided

    Sexually oriented, gore and any other type avatars that are considered to be inappropriate must be avoided

    You must respect the moderators and administrators. They all work voluntarily on this forum and they are human, not machines!


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